
Activities of the Marketing Boards in Nigeria

Definition of Marketing Boards

Marketing Boards are known as the organization which was established by the government to help those farmers that were producing agricultural products in the grading, marketing, distribution and sales of their products. They usually buy materials from farmers and resell to others in order to prevent price instability.

Functions or Activities of Marketing Board

  1. Marketing of farm produce: It is the responsibilities of the marketing board to market farm products in order to ensure ready-made market for the farmers. They are to promote the sale of any good in the world market.
  2. Specialist services: They carry out research projects to benefit the farmers in their farming activities. This will be of help to improve the quality of farm products.
  3. Research services:They carry out research projects to benefit the farmers in their farming activities. This will be of help to improve the quality of farm products.
  4. Encourages the formation of cooperatives:The board encourages the farmers to form cooperative societies among themselves to help them financially.
  5. Fixing of Price: The board fixed prices for the products on behalf of the farmers to avoid and prevent fluctuation.
  6. Controlling Production: The Board controls the level of products the farmer offer for sale. They give advice to farmers on the best way to control their outputs.
  7. Generates revenue for development:Government also enjoy a lot of revenue being generated by the marketing board. This is used for development purposes.

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