Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

Disobedience against the national law

National laws are laws of the country for the good, protection and provisions of every citizen of the Nation.  Disobedience to any law may also lead to national punishment.

Most people disobey and vandalize public properties, e.g. breaking or bursting pipelines may lead to serious oil fire outbreak, death of people and scarcity fuel. Not obeying traffic rules, answering phone call while driving on the highway may cause fatal accidents, severe injuries and untimely death. Looting of government treasury will eventually lead to financial and economic crises in the nation, while the looters will face Gods judgment and, when caught will face social embarrassment and may be jailed.

Furthermore, politicians who break the rules and regulations of elections stand the chance of being disqualified, people may revolt and this may lead to killings, confusion destruction of personal and public properties etc.

In most cases, the laws of the land are projected in the national Anthem and pledge. For example, the Nigerian national Anthem urges the citizens not to waste the labours of past heroes, to be faithful, loyal and honest.  However, majority of Nigerians are not obeying absolutely, the laws of the country because of selfishness, greed, covetousness, tribalism etc.

Moral Lessons:

  1. Learners are to obey the rules and regulations of the school so that their studies will not be disrupted for them to have excellent results.
  2. All forms of disobedience will be punished, either by man or by God. Therefore, learners should be obedient at all times.
  3. All forms of disobedience or inclination to disobedience should be repented of.


  1. Mention some of the punishment a student will receive if he or she breaks school rules and regulations.
  2. What are the consequences of breaking national laws?

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