Notes Physical and Health Education

Domestic Accident

Domestic or home accidents—these are accidents that occur in the home, surroundings and neighborhood. Most of the accidents at home are in form of cuts, falls, poison, burns, electric shock, scalds, suffocation and dislocation as a result of slippery surfaces.


  1. Accessibility to sharp instruments like knives, razor blade, cutlass etc.
  2. Poorly kept environment
  3. Slippery floors
  4. Hastiness
  5. Congested rooms and poorly arranged places
  6. Poor lightening
  7. Unguarded fire place
  8. Tiredness
  9. Poor building and maintenance
  10. Use of faulty instruments and equipment


A. First aid treatment for dislocation;

1. Place the injured part in the most comfortable position

2. Apply cold compress (ice packs)

3. Immobilize the injured part by putting bandage on it

4. Seek immediate medical attention

5. Reassure the patient

B. First aid treatment for sprain:

1. Apply cold compress

2. Rest the affected joint

3. Immobilize the joint to restrict movement

4. Seek medical advice

5. Reassure the patient

C. First aid treatment for strain

1. Apply cold compress

2. Rest the affected muscles by supporting it with a sling if on the upper limb or use a crutch or stick if on the lower limb

3. As condition improves, massage and gently stretch to relax the muscles

4. Avoid dehydration by taking enough fluids

5. Seek medical attention if condition does not improve

D. First aid treatment for bruises

1. Clean the affected area with cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide or antiseptic liquid

2. Apply a cold or ice pack immediately to control swelling or bleeding and to reduce pains

3. Apply tropical antiseptic cream to aid healing and allow for drying

4. Cover the affected area with sterile gauze to prevent infection

5. Seek medical attention if condition does not improve

E. First aid treatment for incision

1. Wash hands thoroughly and dry with clean towel

2. Put on gloves

3. Control and arrest bleeding by applying pressure on the affected, using a clean pad or cloth

4. If bleeding is severe, seek medical attention immediately

5. Reassure the patient

F. First aid treatment for fracture

1. Ensure the patient is breathing and conscious

2. Arrest bleeding immediately

3. Immobilize the affected body part

4. With a stretcher, transfer the patient to the hospital.

5. Reassure the patient


  1. What is another name for domestic accident
  2. Highlight four major causes of domestic accident
  3. State three ways of preventing domestic accidents
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