Civic Education Notes

Interpersonal Relations

Interpersonal relationship is the interaction or association between two or more people in the society. It will be difficult for one to exist in isolation without relating with other people. Interpersonal relationship is therefore essential for human coexistence.


1.         Man and Woman Relationship: This relationship exists between a man and a woman at different levels and for various reasons. This kind of relationship often leads to marriage between a mature man and woman.

2.         Man and Man Relationship: This relationship exists between a man and another man. This relationship lasts long if the people involved have something meaningful to benefit from one another.

3.         Woman and Woman Relationship: This is the kind of relationship that exists between a woman and another woman. The basis of this relationship or friendship could be economic, social, religious or otherwise.

4.         Government and Individual Relationship: This is the relationship that exists between the government and an individual in the society. This relationship becomes necessary where the individual has businesses to transact or services to render on behalf of the government.

5.         Peers Relationship: This is the relationship that exists between people of same group, age bracket, mates or even colleagues.

6.         Relationship across Culture/Race: This is the type of relationship that exists between two or more people from different cultural background, language and race.


  1. Honesty.
  2. Tolerance.
  3. Love.
  4. Patience
  5. Selflessness.
  6. Hospitality.
  7. Truthfulness.
  8. Forgiveness.


1.         What is interpersonal relationship?

2.         Mention five skills of interpersonal relationship.


1.         It promotes peace in the society.

2.         It encourages the spirit of unity in the society.

3.         It ensures progress and development in the society.

4.         It helps to reduce conflicts in the society.

5.         It ensures law and order in the society.

6.         It promotes the good image of the people.

7.         It enhances security in the society.


1.         Explain the types of interpersonal relationships.

2.         Mention any four importance of interpersonal relationship.


1.         What is youth empowerment?

2.         Mention any five skills of youth empowerment.

3.         Define political apathy.

4.         List five reasons for political apathy in Nigeria.

5.         Mention five factor that can promote popular participation.


Interpersonal Relationship: Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 103-112.



Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions.

1.         Which of the following is not required for interpersonal relationship? A. Tolerance   B. Truthfulness

C. Selfishness    D. Forgiveness

2.         Good interpersonal relationship will lead to   A. unity     B. conflict     C. development    D. progress

  1. The interpersonal relationship between people of the same age group is  A. individual relationship

B. age group relationship C. governmental relationship   D. peers relationship.

  • The interpersonal relationship that can easily lead to marriageis A. husband and wife relationship    B. peers relationship      C. man and woman relationship D. man and man relationship.
  • The ability to tell and stand for the truth at all times is called A. tolerance            B. patience       C. honestyD. love.


  1. Explain how selflessness can promote interpersonal relationship in the society.

List any three factors that can hinder interpersonal relationship.

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