Christian Religious Studies

Jesus the son of God


  • Jesus Christ, the Son of God
  • Christians are also Children of God  Gal. 4:17
  • Duties of Christians as Children of the Same Family.


Jesus was born by the Virgin Mary, the wife of Joseph, but Joseph was only a legal father to Jesus. He could not claim to be the biological father of Jesus, because Mary conceived the baby Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. This established the fact that Jesus is the Son of God.


  1. Discuss the limits of Joseph as a father over Jesus.
  2. How did Jesus redeem us back to God?


All human beings created by God are literally referred to as children of God as long as such human beings remain obedient to God. However, this status of being called the son of God is lost when the individual starts living in disobedience to God.  Due to this disobedience, man literally lost the privilege of being called the child of God.

Through the Galatian  Christians,  Paul reached out to all Christians on how to be children of God.  He said since those that are baptized into Christ have put on Christ, there should be no discrimination among Christians.  All Christians are one in Christ Jesus.  If one is in Christ, then he is Abraham’s offspring according to promise.

When men were children spiritually, they were slaves to the elemental spirits of the universe .  But when the time fully came, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman and born under the law so that men might receive adoption as sons.  When they became Sons, God  sent the spirits of His son into men’s hearts crying “Abba” Father ! “So through  God, believers or Christians are no longer slaves but sons and heirs.


  1. How, according to Paul can a Christian rightly become a child of God?
  2. In what two ways, can you show that you a truechild of God?


St Paul’s  teaching that Christians are all children of God by faith in Jesus Christ is a pointer that Christians should endeavour to be mature in faith by living exemplary life according to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Christian should not allow sin to reign in his body neither should he  yield to the desires of the flesh which are evil.

He is not to offer parts of his  body to sin as instruments of wickedness, rather  they  should offer themselves  to God, having been brought from death to life.

Christians are to offer parts of his body to God as instruments of righteousness.  By so doing, he will be able to subdue sin as one under grace, not law, instead of allowing sin to control him (Romans 6:12-14). The bottom-line here is that,  as a Christian , he should be able to discipline his flesh so as to be able to subdue the lust of the flesh like drunkenness, fornication, adultery etc. 

By offering his body to God,  his life will be distinguished by love, joy, peace, kindness, patience, self-control etc.

The peace of Christ should rule his  hearts. He should be thankful always, teaching others and admonishing them with all wisdom.


  1. How can a Christian demonstrate the authenticity of his claim to be a child of God?
  2. In what ways did Paul teach Christians to become true children of God?


  1. How, according to Paul can a Christian rightly become a child of God?
  2. Write short notes on: (a) Faith (b) Redemption (c) Law
  3. Explain the fatherhood of God.
  4. Why is Jesus called the son of man?


Christian Religious Knowledge for SS1-3 By Martins I Amaechipag 227-229

RSV Bible Read Gal. 3:23-29, 4:17

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