Food and Nutrition Notes

Methods of cooking

Cooking can be defined as the preparation of food to bring about both physical and chemical changes such as softening of cellulose in plant tissues. There are different ways of cooking food, some foods can be cooked by 2 or more cooking methods that give the food a different taste, texture and appearance.


  1. To make food safe for consumption.
  2. To make it soft and easier to swallow for digestion.
  3. To make it more attractive or to improve its appearance.
  4. To introduce varieties in the diet.
  5. To reserve food later use.
  6. To derive new flavors and so stimulate appetite.
  7. To destroy micro organisms that cause spoilage.


  1. CONDUCTION: This is the transfer of heat in solid mediums e.g. heat from source to cooking pots and pans.
  2. CONVECTION: transfer of heat in liquid medium e.g. steaming and boiling.
  3. RADIATION: transfer of heat in an enclosed medium in an enclosed space e.g. grilling and baking.

Some foods are cooked by moist heat method while others are done by dry heat method and fat frying method. Moist cooking include:

  1. Boiling
  2. Stewing.
  3. steaming
  4. Braising.

Dry cooking includes:

  1. Roasting.
  2. Baking.
  3. Grilling.

 BOILING: boiling is the process of cooking food in sufficient water that is heated to boiling point (1000C). The heat is reduced and the cooked food is left to simmer in a covered pan until it is cooked.


  1. Add water to the food so that the stock is strained from the food. E.g. boiling of yam and plantain.
  2. Allow the food to absorb the water used in cooking e.g. rice, beans.
  3. Mix the food with water before cooking as in the preparation of yam flour, corn food, porridge etc.

STEWING: stewing is cooking food slowly or at a low heat in a small quantity of water in a covered pot for a long time. It is commonly used for making soups and stews.

STEAMING: steaming is the method of cooking food in the steam from boiling water, there is no direct contact between the food and the boiling water. E.g. moi-moi (bean pudding), canary pudding.

EVALUATION: a. explain the method of heat transfer.

  • State 5 reasons for coking food.

ASSIGNMENT: state the advantages and disadvantages of the moist heat method of cooking.


BAKING: it is cooking food in dry heat in an enclosed space. The air in the enclosed space is heated up to the required temperature. Baking is done in the oven e.g. bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries, pudding etc.

GRILLING: grilling is cooking food over, under, or in front of a smokeless fire. Grilling can be done beneath the glowing reflector of a gas or electric grill. Examples of grilled foods are thin slices of meat, sausage, bacon, chicken parts etc.

ROASTING: this is cooking food in a dry heat by:

  1. An open fire or overheated charcoal e.g. roasted maize, plantain etc.
  2. Heated ash or sand e.g. roasted yam, groundnut, potatoes etc.
  3. In an oven or enclosed space with hot fat or oil poured over the food e.g. Roasted chicken, roasted meat etc.

FRYING: it is coking food in hot oil.


  1. French/ deep frying
  2. Shallow fat frying
  3. Dry fat frying.
  4. Sautéing fat frying.
  5.  FRENCH FAT FRYING: is frying in plenty of fat/ oil. A deep pan or pot is used sometimes. A food can be fried in its own oil e.g. bacon.
  6. SHALLOW FAT FRYING: the food is fried in a little oil or fat. A frying pan is used and the oil just covers the bottom of the pan. Foods cooked by this method are pancake, egg, meat etc.
  7. DRY FAT FRYING: it is used for food that already contains plenty of fat. The fat melts and run out of the food. E.g. bacon, sausages and other fatty foods.
  8. SAUTEEING: this is tossing food lightly in a small amount of fat or oil. E.g. some vegetables.


  1. Use a deep fryer.
  2. Do not fill the fryer more than half way with oil.
  3. Lower the food gently into the hot fat.
  4. Drain fry foods before serving.
  5. Do not over heat the pan with the food as this would considerably lower the temperature before putting food in.
  6. When food is cooked, turn off the heat and allow the oil to cool before straining it.

EVALUATION: state and explain the types of frying.

ASSIGNMENT: write the advantages and disadvantages of dry heat method of cooking.

2. State the advantages and disadvantages of frying.

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