Civic Education Notes

Political Parties

Political parties are organized group of people with common beliefs, ideology and interests coming together with the aim of contesting and winning elections to assume political power and authority.


The following are functions of political parties in Nigeria

  • They serve as a unifying factor in the nation as membership of each political parties is made up of the various ethnic groups in Nigeria.
  • Selection and recruitment of leaders: political parties help in identifying, grooming and recruiting credible leaders for the nation.
  • They promote interest in politics (encouraging political participation): through political activities like rallies, and campaign those who are not interested are wooed into it.
  • They serve as link between the electorates and government: political parties usually reach people at the grass root thereby reducing

The cumbersome, the rulers and the ruled.

  • They help in formulating national policies: when parties win elections the make policies based on their party’s


  1. Enumerates five precolonial  political parties in Nigeria
  2. Explain three functions of political parties
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