Government Notes

Political Socialization


  • Political Socialization
  • Agents of Political Socialization


Political Socialization is a process whereby the citizens of a country are educated on the values, attitudes and beliefs of the political system. The political culture of the society is transmitted from one generation to another through political socialization.

The citizens of a country are politically aware and know the roles they should play. Through political socialization, the citizens display pride, patriotism, loyalty and above all nationalistic feelings to the nation.

Agents of Political Socialization

  1. The Family: the home is the first place one receives political upbringing. Children learn by observation and tend to do whatever they learn.
  2. The School: Through educational institutions, one can learn about national politics, history and practise how to play political roles.
  3. The Peer Groups: a person is known by the group he keeps. Playmates and friends influence one’s political views.
  4. Political Parties: they stimulate the political awareness and consciousness of the people. The members are educated through manifestoes and campaigns.
  5. The Mass Media: this includes the newspapers, radio, televisions and magazines. They entertain and inform the masses, as people gain knowledge from what they read, listen and watch from the mass media.
  6.  Religious Groups: politics and religion go hand in hand. Religious groups teach and direct their members on the political course to follow.
  7. Pressure groups: they are very strong agents of socialization. They offer their members leadership training and educate them on their political rights, duties and obligations.


  1. What do you understand by Political Socialization?
  2. How does the mass media contribute towards political socialization?


  1. Explain four agents of socialization
  2. Explain the importance of political socialization


Essential government by C.C. Dibie pages 17-18

Comprehensive government by J.U. Anyaele pages 14-15


  1. The process of acquiring knowledge about the political system is termed

(a) Political culture b) political socialization c) political mobilization

2.   The following are agents of political socialization except _____

(a) mass protest  b)  peer  group c) political party

  • The agent of political socialization that is responsible for entertaining the masses is called (a) religious group (b) peer group (c) mass media
  • _____ is regarded as the primary agent of socialization (a) The Family (b) The Community (c) The School
  • The most distinguishing characteristic of a state is (a) Government (b) Sovereignty

(c) Territory


  1. Distinguish between  political culture and political socialization.

How can the school contribute towards political socialization?     

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