Mathematics Notes

Quadratic Equations


  • Construction of Quadratic Equations from Sum and Product of Roots.
  • Word Problem Leading to Quadratic Equations.


1. Think of a number, square it, add 2 times the original number. The result is 80. Find the number.

2. The area of a square is 144cm2 and one of its sides is (x+2)cm. Find x and then the side of the square.

3. Find two consecutive odd numbers whose product is 224.


1. The area of a rectangle is 60cm2. The length is 11cm more than the width. Find the width.

2. A man is 37years old and his child is 8. How many years ago was the product of their ages 96?

3. If α and β are the roots of the equation 2x2 – 9x+4=0, find

a) α + β      (b) αβ       (c) α – β   (d)  αβ/ α + β     


If α and β are the roots of the equation 2x2 + 9x+9=0:

1. Find the product of their roots.     A. 4  B. 4.5   C. 5.5    B. -4.5

2. Find the sum of their roots.                 A. 4  B. 4.5   C. 5.5    B. -4.5

3. Find α22                                          A. 11.5    B. -11.25   C. 11.25   D. -11.5

5. Find  αβ/ α + β                                    A. 1  B.-1    C.  1.5     D. 4.5


1. The base of a triangle is 3cm longer than its corresponding height. If the area is 44cm2, find the length of its base.

2. Find the equation in the form ax2+bx+c=0 whose sum and products of roots are respectively:

a)  3,4    (b)  -7/3  , 0    (c) 1.2,0.8

Reading Assignment

Essential Mathematics for SSS2, pages 50-54, exercise 4.6 and

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