Cultural and Creative Arts Notes

Types of Dance

The types of dance are as follows:

a. DRAMATIC DANCE: This type of dance sets the programme for the dance as part of drama. This type of drama is interspersed with dance movements coupled with dramatic actions simultaneously.

b. COMIC DANCE: This type of dance involves dancers depicting funny dance movements for entertainment. Comic dance is characterized with funny dance steps which are performed among the Philippines like ButiButi and Bajao.

c. PURE DANCE: This type of dance refers to dance movements that make up a piece of work containing no plot, often the dance movements that suggest a particular subject or mood. A pure dance does not possess a combination of other forms of dance. This makes it unique.

d.DANCE DRAMA: Dance drama is performed through rhythmic dance movements frequentlyconveyed with dialogue.  


1. Define dance.

2. What is dance drama?


  1. What is plot?
  2. Explain the element of drama ‘characterization’.


Cultural and Creative Art (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi.(Book 2).


  1. A series of steps and movements that match the speed and rhythm of a piece of music is called……..(a) gesticulation  (b) dance  (c) drama (d) None of the above
  2. Dancing is a noble career performed by..……………………………. (a) musicians  (b) dancers  (c) prompters  (d) None of the above.
  3. The art of dancing is a sub-branch of …………….(a) fine art  (b) performing art  (c) literary art  (d) applied art
  4. A form of dance that does not contain a plot and emphasizes a major subject or mood is called ……(a) comic dance   (b) pure dance   (c) dance drama  (d) None of the above.
  5. Dance is a medium of public entertainment. (a) True  (b False  (c) Maybe  (d) Not sure


  1. State the meaning of comic dance.
  2. Mention two forms of dance.
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