Food and Nutrition Notes

Kitchen Management


A kitchen can be described as the domestic workshop in the home where all the preparation, cooking and serving of food is done. There are two types of kitchen 1. Family kitchen.  2. Industrial kitchen.

Family kitchen: a family kitchen can be traditional or modern. The industrial kitchen is the type of kitchen found in hotels, universities, colleges and hospitals. This type of kitchen is often larger than family kitchen and the facilities needed or used are majorly mechanical and electrical. Also this type of kitchen is more equipped than family kitchen

The size of the kitchen depends solely on:

  1. Size of the building.
  2. Family size.
  3. The financial or economic status of the family.
  4. The equipment to be used.


Traditional kitchenModern kitchen
It is detached from the main building.The modern kitchen is within the building.
Poorly ventilated because of the small windowsWell ventilated.
Its floor is made up of mud.The floor is made of concrete or tile.
 Sources of fuel are charcoal, firewood or sawdust.Source of fuel is gas or electricity.
The walls are built with mud and the roofs are made up of bamboo and palm fronds.The walls are made up of concrete and the roof is made up of zinc.


A well planned kitchen is needed in the home for ease and comfort ability. The following are important factors to consider:

  1. FLOOR: the floor should be made of concrete, non-slippery and easy to clean. It should also be non-absorbent of grease, not easily discolored by hot utensils. It should be reasonably resilient.
  2. WALL: it should be strong, durable, impervious and easy to clean.
  3. VENTILATION: a good ventilation makes the kitchen comfortable to work in therefore adequate provision should be made for cross ventilation to get rid of heat generated during the cooking process. It helps to prevent undesirable odor and high humidity.
  4. WATER SUPPLY: there should be constant water supply in the kitchen for ease in working and cleaning the kitchen. A good drainage system both within and without will prevent development of offensive odor around the kitchen or contamination of food. The drainage system should be accessible to repair and clean.
  5. LIGHTENING SYSTEM: this should be either artificial or natural light from the sun, while the artificial is from electricity. The florescent light is more suitable for the kitchen because it does not generate heat or cast shadow. Never use colored lights.
  6. COLOR SCHEME: it should show good taste and blend with equipment.
  7. Arrangement of fixed equipment and storage facilities should prevent fatigue in the kitchen.


  1. It is comfortable to work in.
  2. It saves time.
  3. Accidents are prevented.
  4. It is easy to keep clean.
  5. It reduces fatigue.
  6. Equipment last longer.
  7. Foods prepared are more hygienic because pests are prevented from entering.

evaluation : Differentiate between the types of kitchen.

  • state and explain the factors to consider when planning a kitchen.

assignment: state and explain 7 factors to consider when planning a kitchen

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