HIV simply means Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It destroys the immune system of man. AIDS means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This implies that the virus is not inborn but acquired from a carrier. The virus weakens the immune system and lead to series of diseases that can kill the carrier. HIV/AIDS is one of the most dreaded contemporary social problems in Nigeria and Africa.
Causes of HIV/AIDS
- Unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier.
- Sharing of objects like needles, injection syringes, barbing clippers, razor blades, pins, toothbrushes etc. that are not sterilized with a carrier.
- Infected mother can transfer it to her unborn baby.
- Infected blood transfusion.
Effects of HIV/AIDS
- HIV/AIDS always result in series of illnesses.
- It can eventually lead to death as it is incurable.
- A lot of money is being used in search of the cure and management of HIV/AIDS.
- A carrier can lose his job.
- It can lead to divorce.
- The carriers often suffer discrimination.
- It creates emotional problems such as anxiety, fear and sadness for the carrier and his loved ones.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS
Since HIV/AIDS has no cure, it has to be prevented. The following measures can be taken to prevent the incidence of HIV/AIDS:
- People who are single should abstain from sexual intercourse while married ones should be faithful to their spouse.
- Those who cannot abstain from indiscriminate sexual intercourse should use condom.
- Those who use sharp objects such as doctors, barbers, and hairdresser should sterilize the instruments.
- Blood should be properly screened and made sure they are HIV/AIDS free before transfusion.
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