Business Studies

When to use your Consumer Right

Consumption (or right of the consumer) is the name given to the set of rules emanating from public authorities aimed at the protection of the consumer or user in the market of goods and services, giving and regulating certain rights and obligations. The right of use is not an autonomous branch of the law, but a cross-discipline, with items that fit within commercial law, Civil law and others within the administrative law and procedural law.

The consumption law covers several key aspects of relations between producers and consumers:
• Contracts of adhesion: prohibits unfair terms that alter the contractual relationship in favour of the supplier of goods and services and tries to ensure that consumers know in advance all the General conditions of the contract which the employer intends to use.
• Quality of the goods and services offered: minimum requirements.
• Regulation of advertising and offers to the public.
• Establishes special procedures for which consumers, associations and public bodies created so that they can defend themselves and prohibit certain abusive practices.
• Lists a list of infractions by employers and the corresponding penalties imposed by the competent authorities of consumption.

Definition of the Consumer’s Rights

It refers to the consumer’s rights to the set of regulations and laws that have as main objective ensure the defence of any type of consumer situations in which does not respect his power or consumer status. The existence of this type of rights born from the extension of the mass consumption of goods and services and also the growing failure on the acquisition of those goods or services in time and manner, as they were hired.
All rights of the consumer part of the notion of that implied or explicitly, the consumer is such when it engages in any type of commercial relationship with the seller. Thus, although it is not registered by misuse of business practices, consumer happens to possess rights of claim, complaint and compensation, replacement, repair, etc. with respect to the good or service consumed if it does not comply with the conditions laid down to perform trade union.
While many companies and even individuals provide services and goods that then do not conform to the conditions offered, the consumer’s right will be filing claims, complaints or all kinds of protests. Common cases in this regard are offering promotions that are not met, prices that are not real, products that are not the displayed in brochures or advertisements, products that are defective or second line, null or shoddy repairs, etc.
All such situations are covered within what is known as the consumer’s right and therefore it can exercise different tactics to ensure compliance with their rights (which are at the same time the obligations of which offer a good or service). These tactics or strategies can be very variable and can range from a simple oral or written complaint to more serious complaints that will always be necessary to submit documents and receipts evidencing the role of each of the parties involved, as well as also the failure or the reason for the dissatisfaction of the consumer. These complaints may occur before the entity in question, before the consumer defense entities or, when the case is more serious, directly to justice.

Eight (8) Universal consumer’s rights:

  1. Right to Basic Needs–which guarantees survival, adequate food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education and sanitation. With this right, consumers can look forward to the availability of basic and prime commodities at affordable prices and good.
  2. Right to Safety—the consumer should be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision of that are hazardous to health and life.
  3. Right to Information—the consumer should be protected against dishonest or misleading advertising or labeling and has the right to be given the facts and information needed to make an informed choice.
  4. Right to Choose—the consumer has the right to choose from among various products at competitive prices with an assurance of satisfactory quality.
  5. Right to Representation—the right to express consumer interests in the making and execution of government policies.
  6. Right to Redress— the right to be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory.
  7. Right to Consumer Education, which is the right to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to be an informed customer.
  8. Right to a Healthy Environment—the right to live and work in an environment which is neither threatening nor dangerous and which permits a life of dignity and well-being.

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