Commerce Notes

Limited Liability Company: Shares, Stock exchange and Rights of Shareholders


  • Shares – Definition classes; features
    • How shares are sold or issued
    • Methods of listing shares at the stock Exchange
    • Rights of shareholders


A share is a fixed unit of capital invested in a business by the members of a company. It represents the individual portion of the company’s capital owned by the shareholders.

Shares represent ownership since by buying shares, the buyer becomes one of the owners of the company concerned and is entitled to share in the profits of the company. Such reward from profit to the shareholder is called “Dividend”.


Shares may be divided into the following classes

a.         Preference shares

b.         Ordinary Shares

c.          Deferred or founders shares



i.          They have fixed rate of dividend

ii.          Owners receive dividend first before all other classes of shares

iii.         The holders are also entitled to return of capital first at winding up

iv.         Holders have no voting rights


1.         CUMULATIVE PREFERENCE SHARES:  If preference shares are cumulative, it means dividends which are not paid in any year is carried forward and must be paid in any subsequent years before any dividend are paid on the ordinary or deferred shares


i.          Fixed rate of dividends

ii.          They have priority in the share of dividends over all other classes of shares

iii.         They receive arrears of dividends not paid before other classes of shares get dividends

2.         NON CUMULATIVE PREFERENCE SHARES: The dividends on this class of shares does not accumulate from one year to another. If the company fails to pay dividends in a particular year, there is no right to payment of the arrears in later years i.e. the unpaid dividends will not be carried forward.

N.B      In the absence of clear indications to the contrary, however, preference shares are presumed to be cumulative

3.         PARTICIPATING PREFERENCE SHARES: These are preference shares the holders of which have right to share with ordinary shareholders in the surplus profits after both the preference and ordinary shareholders have received their dividends.


i.          Fixed rate of dividends

ii.          They received their dividends first before the ordinary shares

iii.         They are entitled to participate in further dividends after all other classes of shares have received specified percentage of the profits

4.         Redeemable Preference Shares: These have prior claims before all other preference shares. They have the disadvantage to the shareholder of being bought back by the company after some time. This type of shares are issued to finance particular projects to be repaid when the project is completed. The companies use their profits or out of proceeds of further issue of shares to buy back these shares. The redemption of this type of shares is not regarded as amounting to reduction of Capital.

B.         Ordinary Shares


i.          This type of shares are also known as “equities” as they rank equally

ii.          Holders are the risk bearers and also the real owners of limited liability companies

iii.         They receive dividends only after other fixed rate shareholders have been paid

iv.         Holders of ordinary shares can vote and be voted for at general meetings.

v.         Ordinary shares are not redeemable

vi.         They have no fixed rate of dividend – i.e. rate of dividend for ordinary shareholders fluctuates

vii.        Ordinary shareholders rank last for payment on winding up the company


1.         Explain what is meant by offer for subscription as it relates to company’s shares

2.         State three differences between ordinary shares and preference shares



i.          They are usually issued to the founders or promoters of the company.

ii.          They are no longer common in public limited companies.

iii.         Holders have right to the remainder of the profit after preference shares and ordinary shares have received a stated amount.

iv.         They are often issued as a part payment to the owners of a company that have been bought up

v.         They carry special voting rights.

N.B.     All terms/rights attached to each class/sub-class of shares are usually specified in the Articles of Association.


1.         Shares issued at Par: This means that persons applying for the shares are asked to pay the exact face or nominal value of the shares e.g. N1 ordinary shares issued at N1

2.         Shares Issued at a Premium: This means that persons applying for the shares are asked to pay more than the nominal or face value e.g. N1 ordinary shares issued at N1:40

3.         Shares Issued at a Discount: This means that persons applying for the shares are asked to pay less than their nominal or face value e.g. N1 ordinary shares issued at N0.70


a.         Bonus Shares: These are shares issued free of charge to existing shareholders in proportion to their present holdings made possible by revaluation of assets or out of profits.

b.         Rights Issue: This is an offer of fresh shares made to existing shareholders on favourable terms as a means of raising additional capital. It involves the shareholders making fresh payments to the company


The methods by which a Public Limited issue it shares (i.e. get its shares listed on the stock Exchange are

1.         Offer for Subscription:  by the company selling shares to the general public

2.         By offer for Sale: In this method, an issuing house will buy the shares in  block from the company and subsequently offer them for sale to the public

3.         By Placing: Here the shares of the company are placed with institutional investors e.g. insurance companies, pension funds etc.

4.         By Introduction: If a private limited company attract the minimum required number of shareholders and also satisfy other listing conditions, it shares may be listed direct on the Stock Exchange if the company makes an application to that effect.


i.          Right to vote at meetings

ii.          Right to dividends – subject to declaration of dividends by the directors

iii.         Right to receive notice of General Meetings

iv.         Right to appoint proxy to represent him at meetings of shareholders

v.         Right to participate in the distribution of assets in the events of winding up.


1.         What is “right issue” How does it differ from “bonus issue”

2.         List four rights of shareholders of a limited liability company.


1         Outline five contents of the memorandum of association

2         State five differences between ordinary shares and preference shares

3         Give five reasons why a manufacturer may brand his products

4         State five advantages of packaging

5         Explain six facilities that a retail shop should have to encourage self service


Essential Commerce for SSS by O. A. Longe Page 149 – 166


1.         Which of the following can quote its shares on the Stock Exchange (a) Limited Partnership (b) Sole Proprietorship (c) Public Limited company (d) Co-operate Society

2.         Shares which give their holders priority over other shareholders in dividend payment are (a) Deferred shares (b) Preference Shares (c) Equities (d) Rights issue

3.         The Power of attorney that transfer to a third party the shareholder’s right to vote is called (a) Rights issue (b) Proxy (c) Bond (d) Warranty.

4.         hares are said to be sold at a discount when they are sold (a) Above par (b) At par (c) Below par (d) To the public

5.         Which of the following is often referred to as an artificial person in law (a) Sole Proprietorship (b) Partnership (c) Public Limited Company (d) Co-operative Society


1.         State four ways by which the shares of a company can be listed on the Stock Exchange 2.         State three rights of the Shareholders

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