What is value in civic education?

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary SchoolWhat is value in civic education?
Bala asked 1 year ago
1 Answers
StopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

In civic education, “value” can refer to several things, including:

  1. The intrinsic worth or importance of civic participation and engagement in a democratic society. Civic education emphasizes the value of active citizenship and the role of individuals in shaping their communities and governments.
  2. The principles and ideals that underpin democratic societies, such as freedom, equality, justice, and human rights. Civic education teaches individuals to understand and appreciate these values, and to apply them in their own lives and communities.
  3. The importance of ethical and responsible behavior in public life. Civic education emphasizes the value of integrity, honesty, and accountability in government and civic institutions, as well as in individual actions and decision-making.

Overall, the value of civic education lies in its ability to cultivate informed and engaged citizens who are committed to democratic principles and practices, and who are equipped to participate meaningfully in public life.