basic technology for jss1 third term

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary Schoolbasic technology for jss1 third term
Shulammite asked 1 year ago

1. With the aid of a diagram, list 5 measuring tools and cutting tools and their various uses
2. Differentiate between driving tools and boring tools and give two examples each
3a. What is maintenance?
3b. List 3 types of maintenance and explain them

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1 Answers
StopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago
  1. Measuring Tools and Cutting Tools

Measuring Tools:

  • Tape measure: used to measure distance, length or width of an object.
  • Caliper: used to measure the diameter or thickness of an object with high accuracy.
  • Ruler: used to measure length or distance with a high degree of accuracy.
  • Micrometer: used to measure the diameter or thickness of an object with very high accuracy.
  • Protractor: used to measure angles with a high degree of accuracy.

Cutting Tools:

  • Saw: used to cut through wood, metal, and other materials.
  • Drill: used to create holes in a variety of materials.
  • Chisel: used to carve or cut materials such as wood, stone, and metal.
  • Shears: used to cut through fabric, paper, and other materials.
  • Knife: used to cut through various materials including food, fabric, and paper.
  1. Driving Tools and Boring Tools

Driving Tools:

  • Hammer: used to drive nails, screws, and other fasteners into a material.
  • Screwdriver: used to tighten or loosen screws and other fasteners.

Boring Tools:

  • Drill: used to create holes in a variety of materials.
  • Auger: used to bore holes into wood or other materials.

3a. Maintenance refers to the process of maintaining or preserving something to keep it in good condition. It can involve regular inspections, cleaning, repairs, and replacements.
3b. The three types of maintenance are:

  • Preventive maintenance: involves regular inspections and maintenance to prevent breakdowns or failures before they occur.
  • Corrective maintenance: involves repairing or replacing equipment after a breakdown or failure has occurred.
  • Predictive maintenance: involves using data and analytics to predict when maintenance is needed based on the condition of the equipment. This can help prevent breakdowns and save costs associated with unplanned downtime.

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