list 3 application of osmosis in both living and non living things

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary Schoollist 3 application of osmosis in both living and non living things
Shalom asked 11 months ago

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 11 months ago

Osmosis, the movement of solvent molecules from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration through a selectively permeable membrane, has various applications in both living and non-living systems. Here are three applications of osmosis in each category:
Living Things:

  1. Biological Cells:

    • Plant Cells: Osmosis plays a crucial role in plant cells by regulating the movement of water. Water enters plant cells through osmosis, helping to maintain cell turgidity, which is essential for plant support and growth.
    • Red Blood Cells: Osmosis regulates the movement of water into and out of red blood cells. This is important for maintaining cell shape and preventing the bursting or shrinking of cells due to changes in the surrounding solute concentration.
    • Kidney Function: In the human body, osmosis is a fundamental process in the functioning of the kidneys. Osmosis helps in the reabsorption of water and essential nutrients while removing waste products from the blood through the process of filtration and reabsorption.
  2. Food Preservation:

    • Salting and Drying: In food preservation, osmosis is used to remove water from food. For example, when salt is added to meat or fish, it causes water to move out of the cells through osmosis, preventing bacterial growth and spoilage.
    • Dehydration: Osmosis is used in food dehydration processes. The process involves removing moisture from fruits, vegetables, and other food items to extend their shelf life.
    • Sugar Preservation: In the preservation of fruits, sugar is often used to create a high osmotic environment, which helps preserve the fruit by drawing out water and inhibiting bacterial growth.

Non-Living Things:

  1. Reverse Osmosis:

    • Reverse osmosis is a technology used in desalination plants to convert seawater into freshwater. By applying pressure to seawater and forcing it through a membrane, freshwater is separated from salt and impurities. This process is essential for providing drinking water in arid regions.
  2. Chemical Separations:

    • In chemistry and laboratory processes, osmosis can be used to separate solvents and solutes. For example, dialysis involves using a selectively permeable membrane to separate small solute molecules from larger ones.
    • Osmotic pressure can be used to measure the molar mass of a solute in a solution. By measuring the pressure required to prevent osmosis in a solution, scientists can determine the molar mass of the solute.
  3. Pharmaceuticals:

    • Osmosis is used in pharmaceuticals for drug delivery systems. Osmotic pumps or osmotic tablets are designed to release drugs at a controlled rate by utilizing osmotic pressure. This ensures a steady and controlled release of medication into the body.

These applications of osmosis demonstrate its importance in various biological, industrial, and scientific processes, showcasing its significance in both living and non-living systems.

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