A: Comprehension : Speaking Skills , Communicable Sequence Content Reading page 99 – 100 Dialogue : Effective English. The passage […]
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A: Comprehension: Identifying statutory topic, theme, and key sentences of a passage Content. A: Statutory Topics Theme Key Sentences. Statutory […]
A: Comprehension: Summarizing in a specified number of sentences Content: Guide to summarizing in a specified number of ‘serntences’ Learn […]
Comprehension: Reading Skill Unit 9: Entertainment Content Reading for Pleasure Explanation The passage is about a renowned Nigerian artiste’Onyeka Onwenu’. […]
Essay Writing: story writing- A story which illustrates the saying .”it is a man’s world “/ A: Prefixes and Negation […]
Comprehension / Reading Skills: More on scanning and skimming Speech Work: Contrasting /s/ and /z/ and /ʒ/ /f/ and /v/ […]
RHYMES Content Definition Rhyme pairs Rhyme is two letters that have the same ending sound. Rhyme is also used in […]
Writing Expository essay
Content: Explanation Features Outline on a Topic. An expository essay is a type of essay that aims to instruct, inform, […]
Practical to Approach Summary Writing. There are two approaches to summary writing: the précis and the question-answer type. For the […]