Fruits are the fleshy seed bearing of a plant. Fruits can be divided into two broad groups; 1. Fresh fruits. […]
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Vegetables are edible parts of plants such as roots, leaves, stem, etc. They are highly perishable food stuff and seasonal. […]
Legumes/ Pulses
Legumes are the edible seeds, parts of leguminous plants which are used as food. The edible part of the leguminous […]
Cereals and Grains
CEREALS/ GRAINS Cereal is a broad term used for those plants belonging to the grass family while the seeds produced […]
Methods of cooking
Cooking can be defined as the preparation of food to bring about both physical and chemical changes such as softening […]
Food hygiene is the observance of sanitary rules by food handlers to prevent contamination, food poisoning and food borne diseases. […]
Loading the Microsoft Access
Open an Access database from Windows Explorer In Windows Explorer, navigate to the drive or folder containing the Access database […]