French Language

L’introduction au cours

La connaissance anterieure sur le francais de Jss. Ex: Les salutations Presenter /Presentation LES SALUTATIONS Bonjour Bonsoir Bonjour monsieur Bonjour […]

French Language

Les Pays Francophone En Afrique

Les Pays Francophone En Afrique Country Capital Continent Benin Porto Novo Africa Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Africa Burundi Bujumbura Africa Cameroon […]

French Language

L’importante de la langue Francaise au Nigeria – Importance of French Language in Nigeria

L’importante de la langue Francaise au Nigeria. The need for French language in Nigeria or the reasons why French should […]

Food and Nutrition

Absorption of Food and nutrition

The process by which the end products of digestion pass through the lining of the digestive tract is called absorption. […]

Food and Nutrition

Digestive system in Food and Nutrition

The food taken into our mouth requires some kind of alteration before they can be absorbed into the blood stream. […]

Food and Nutrition

Dietary deficiencies

Some diseases are caused by lack of or shortage of specific nutrients in the meals we take, when this happens […]

Food and Nutrition

Water in Food and Nutrition

Water is very important for the existence of man. the chemical composition of water is hydrogen and oxygen.[H2O]. It has […]

Food and Nutrition

Mineral Elements in Food and nutrition

Mineral elements are also required in a very minor quantity by the body. They are inorganic in nature and perform […]

Food and Nutrition

Vitamins in Food and Nutrition

Vitamins are inorganic in nature. They are required in a very little quantity by the body. Vitamin can be classified […]

Food and Nutrition

Fats and Oil in Food and nutrition

Fats and oil are another group of macro nutrients that is required by the body. It composes of carbon, oxygen […]