You need to know this before you buy from Alibaba or Aliexpress. Ordering a product online is not something you should be in a haste to do. After verifying all the information of the supplier using the resources I have shown you above, there is one more thing I personally do before I place my order and it works for me.
You are expected to message the seller before purchasing anything to establish a personal relationship. Chinese people are the most patient people I have ever seen when it comes to marketing. You must establish a relationship with an agent in that company before finally making your order using the Trade Assurance or PayPal. Send a message to the seller informing the product you want to order. In the same message, ask the Chinese to reply you through your Wechat username.
Wechat is very popular in China and it’s known as Weixin over there. Its owned by Tencent, a tech company HQ in Shenzhen, China. I have been to this tower before 🙂
Chinese people use the app for many things including payment and video and voice calling. You will have to get a Wechat app an account if you want to effectively chat with your Chinese supplier.
Whatsapp is banned in China. Chinese people need VPN to access Whatsapp so it’s not a good messaging option at all.
Use Wechat to ask your supplier to send pictures of the products from their factory, the product data sheet and further negotiate the price when chatting with her. You can now place your order after this relationship has been established.
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