These are similar to all the laws of indices.
It shows clearly that a logarithm is a mirror image of an index.
e.g. 100 = 102; 2 = log10100
1000 = 103; 3 = log101000
0.01 = 10-2; -2 = log100.01
Evaluate the following:
(1) If
Given that 100 = 1002 log10 100 = 2 and 1000 = 103 log10 1000 = 3 then
100 x 1000 = 102 x 103 = 102+3 = 105 (1st law, indices)
log10(100 x 1000) = 5 which is equal to 2+3
= log10 100 + log10 1000
Given that log10 2 = 0.0310, log10 3 = 0.4771 and log10 7 = 0.8451, evaluate
Log10 42
Log10 42 = log10 (7 x 6) = log10 (7 x 2 x3)
= 0.8451 + 0.0310 + 0.4771 = 1.6232.
The logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms of the factors that make up the product.
Since 1000 ¸ 100 = 103 ¸ 102 = 103-2 = 101
log10(1000 ¸ 100) = 1 = log10(1000) – log10(100). This is the 2nd law of indices.
Log10(14/3) = log10 14– log10 3
= log10 (2 x 7) – log10 3
= log10 2 + log10 7 – log10 3
= (0.3010 + 0.8451) – 0.4771
= 0.6690
The logarithm of a quotient is the difference of the logarithms of the dividend and the divisor.
Log10(100)2 = 2log10 100 = 2 x 2
Evaluate log10 8, if log10 2 = 0.3010
log10 8 = log10 23 = 3log10 2
= 3 x 0.3010
= 0.9030.
The logarithms of the nth root of a number is the logarithm of the number, divided by n
e.g. 3 1000 = 3 103 = 3 10 x 10 x 10 = 10 or 101
log 3 1000 = 1 or (log 1000) ¸ 3 = 1
logb n x = 1/n logb X.
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