There are three processes or methods of animal improvement. These are introduction, selection and breeding.
Introduction is the bringing into the farm or a country, high quality breeds of livestock with a high productive capacity and other good desirable characteristics from another farm or country. Before the introduction of such animal from another (exotic breeds), one must be sure that such breeds possess higher quality characteristics than the local breeds. Different breeds of farm animals exist and these include the local breeds, imported breeds and the cross breed.
The local breeds are usually small animals, slow-maturing, poor producers, but adapted to local environment and resistant to many diseases. The exotic (imported) breeds are big animals, early-maturing, good producers but may not adapt to local environment and not resistant to many diseases. To obtain a balance, the exotic breeds are used to mate the local breeds to obtain cross breeds which will now combine all the good qualities of exotic and local breeds.
Advantages of Introduction
Disadvantages of Introduction
Selection is the process of picking or selecting from a mixed population, those animals with breeding value as parents. Selection is undertaken to maximize genetic gain. It helps to select animals that are capable of transmitting their genetic attributes to their offspring. Animals with desirable characteristics like good meat production, egg laying etc, are selected. Selection is grouped into two main classes.
Advantages of Selection
Disadvantages of Selection
Breeding involves the breeding or development of animals by transferring inherited qualities from parents to offspring. This is achieved through mating.
Types of Breeding
Advantages of Breeding
Disadvantages of Breeding
This is the introduction of semen into the reproductive tract of the female by a method other than natural mating. The semen containing spermatozoa are carefully handled, diluted and stored in freezer at a temperature of 196oc in liquid nitrogen until it is required for use.
For artificial insemination to succeed, the semen which has been stored is introduced into the female reproductive tract during breeding cycle (the heat period) so that fertilization will occur. Artificial insemination is only possible in animals whose heat period is easily observable because spermatozoa are only viable for few hours after introduction in to the female reproductive tract.
Methods of collecting semen from a proven male for use in artificial insemination are:
Advantages of Artificial Insemination
Disadvantages of Artificial Insemination
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