English JSSCE

Structure of the English Language

A Noun is a name of a person, animal, place or things. There are four kinds of nouns: Common Nouns […]

Basic Technology

Properties of ceramics; properties of glass

Definition of Ceramics Clay exists naturally in many parts of the world. When it is wet, it can easily be […]

Basic Technology

Properties of materials – wood

Materials are substances from which other things can be made. Basically, they can be classified into two: metallic and non-metallic. […]

Basic Technology

Safety Precautions or Attitudes in the Workshop

The following are the safety precautions or attitudes in the workshop: Obedience: Pupils must obey the instructions of their teachers […]

Basic Technology

Workshop safety rules to take note of.

Safety is freedom from danger. It is protection from risk of harm or injury. It is also protection against damage to […]

Basic Technology

Safety guidlines

Safety means protection from danger or injury. Safety guidelines are the rules to be followed in order to reduce or […]

Basic Technology

Definition of technology

Technology is a term derived from the Greek words ‘TECHNE’ and ‘LOGIA’ meaning the study of craft or art. Technology is basically […]

Basic Technology

Definition or Meaning of Freehand Sketching

Freehand sketching is one of the quickest methods by which the shape of an object can be communicated to others […]

Basic Technology

Using The Tee And Set Square For Drawing Board

This is a practical topic. The teacher should DEMONSTRATE this as much as possible in class for the students The […]

Basic Technology

Care and maintenance of metal work tools

Care of Files (i) A file cuts the metal during the forward stroke; therefore pressure on the file should be […]