JSS1 First Term Christian Religious Studies Junior Secondary School

Welcome to Stoplearn.com online secondary school  JSS1 First term.  Here you can learn Christian Religious Studies for Junior Secondary School  […]

Lessons from the Services of Joseph and Ruth

The lives of Ruth and Joseph show us that God rewards hard work and commitment. There are blessings in rendering […]

Call to service

Service is doing some work which one is called upon to perform or one volunteers to do. In service, one […]

Call to obedience

Obedience means doing what you are told to do. It is to comply with the rules and regulations at home and […]

The People of Nineveh Repent of their Sins

The people of Nineveh were evil in their ways. They did many evil things to one another. They were wicked. […]

Call to repentance

The Meaning of Repentance To repent means to regret, be sorry, feel sorrow or feel ashamed for any wrong done. […]

JSS1 Second Term Christian Religious Studies Junior Secondary School

Welcome to Stoplearn.com online secondary school  JSS1 Second term.  Here you can learn Christian Religious Studies for Junior Secondary School  […]

Relationship in the church

BIBLICAL REFERENCES: ROMANS 12: 9-21. I PETER 3: 8-13. ROMANS 13:1-7. Identification of the Names of Church Leaders The church is […]

Relationship in the community

BIBLICAL REFERENCES: MATTHEW 25: 31-46 Identification of the Names of Community Leaders The Human Community The human community is a group […]

Relationship in the school

BIBLICAL REFERENCES: 1SAMUEL 18:1-5. The School Family Every school consists of five groups of people, which come together to form the school family. […]