English Notes

Speech Work: Diphthongs

A diphthongs is a double quality vowel. It starts with one quality and ends with another. However, it still function as one vowel. There are eight diphthongs in English and their phonetic symbols indicate the initial and final vowels represented in the articulation.

Diphthongs are generally classified into two groups, taking into consideration the direction of the movement in their production. Thus, there are closing diphthongs –/ eI, ai, Ͻi, ǝƱ, aƱ / and centering diphthongs /Iǝ, eǝ, Ʊǝ /. The closing diphthongs involve gliding movement towards the close region / I, Ʊ/ the centering diphthong on the other hand, are produced with the movement of the tongue towards / ǝ / which is a central vowel.

/ eI /eieight, weight, vein, freight
 a..ebake, fake, waste, hate
 aimaid, train, brain, laid
 eythey, prey
 eabreak, greate
 aypray, play, may, stray
 olcold, fold
/ ǝƱ/oGo, no, so, old
 oetoe, hoe, foe,
 oagoat, toast, boat, loaf, toad.
 owsow, grow, throw, low, borrow
 ewsew, shew
 oudough, soul, though, although
/ ai /ihide, tide, bite, site, mind,
 uybuy, guy
 yebye, dye
 ietie, pie, tie, tries,
 ighhigh, thigh, right, sight, plight
 hy..erhyme, thyme
/ aƱ/owbow, cow, vow, allow
 ouout, about, shout, bout, vouch
 oughplough, drought, bough
 ounbound, round, found
/ Ͻi /oioil, boil, toil, coil, soil
 oyboy, toy, joy, coy, ploy, employ
/ Iǝ /erehere, mere, sincere
 earclear, fear, sear, rear, dear, near, hear, gear
 eerbeer, cheer, deer, steer, peer
 eaidea, area
 ohero, period
 ioucurious, serious, savior
 ierpierce, fierce, tier, plier
/ eǝ /areshare, care, spare, rare, dare
 airfair, air, pair, hair, stairs
 eartear, bear, wear, pear
 eirtheir, heir
 erethere, where
/Ʊǝ /urecure, pure, sure, lure, endure
 ouryour, tour,
 oorpoor, moor, boor


From the words lettered A – D, choose the word that has the SAME VOWEL SOUND as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

  1. sew            A. soothe         B. new             C. soar             D. know
  2. they           A. there           B. day             C. eye              D. key
  3. high           A. ghost          B. low             C. hit               D. buy
  4. oil              A. buoy           B. bay              C. toll              D. tortoise
  5. cheer          A. chair           B. ear               C. check          D. cheat


Oral English for Schools and Colleges, pages 21 – 28.

  • Summary – How to Answer Summary Question; African Mud Sculpture, pg. 234, Effective English.

Always have these points at the back of your mind before answering summary question

  1. Read the passage carefully.
  2. Determine intention of the writer by resigning the key problems in the passage.
  3. Do not exceed the required number of sentences.
  4. Provide your answer in good sentences bearing in mind sentence structure.
  5. Avoid lifting and unnecessary repetition.

The passage reveals that the brass figures of Benin are well known African art. These figures are crafted by men with high skills


Read the passage and answer related questions.


Effective English, pg 234.


  1. Identify the figures of speech present in the following expressions.
  2. Life is a stage.
  3. People say women are necessary evil
  4. My driver’s children are pigs.
  5. Dan Musa can drink a whole brewery day.
  6. Dolapo sings like a nightingale.
  7. What are the basic features of a formal letter.


Section A

Instruction: Choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

  1. The visitors expressed appreciation for the __________ shown to them during their stay.   A. condemnation    B. pretence    C. hospitality
  2. The principal ________ the students for performing brilliantly in the examination  A. condoned   B. commended     C. admonished
  3. The judge ________ her to two year improvement    A. pronounced    B. sentenced   C. tried
  4. Alinco is generally _________ as the most experienced mason in town.   A. recommended   B. recognized     C. informed
  5. The board of Directors is discussing how the company can be run more _________________    A. effeminately    B. efficiently     C. effortlessly

Section B

No 6 – 10, pg 89; No 1 – 5, page 89, Effective English.

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