Let’s talk about tuition free virtual or online school for students, including international students. As you already know, the conventional schooling system is classroom based, which means the student must be physically present in the school. Also, because the high operating cost of running these schools, they are usually not tuition free except with Government heavy subsidy.

What you need to know about online high school
Online high school for students is a virtual platform designed to give you a similar classroom experience from the comfort of your home or any other place, thanks to the internet!
Today, several degrees, up to Phd level can be awarded after completion of online learning. Before you go on to learn about the tuition free online high school options available in the United States and Canada and elsewhere, let’s look at some of the merits.
Advantages of Online High schools
- Flexibility: With online learning, you can adjust the system to suit your schedule. It is extremely flexible and removes some of the stress and pressure that comes with trying so hard to keep up with your school calendar
- Self-paced learning: Similar to the Flexibility merit, online high schooling also helps the student to learn at their own pace. Students can pause and rewind video lessons as many times as they want. They can also pause the recorded lesson and look up the topic from offline and online resources for better comprehension.
- Global perspective: Online learning opens the student up the world. There is no limit to where a virtual high school student can travel to and no limit to who she could meet. The teacher can be a Japanese in Tokyo, she can take a virtual tour of Jerusalem, Israel’s capital for a history lesson, etc. The internet ushers in the student to a global village.
- More interactive learning: Online learning is far more interactive than the conventional classroom method. Students can easily learn with interactive slideshows, animated videos, Games and Quizzes, etc.
- Affordability: Because of the less cost in operating a virtual school, the tuition is less and sometimes free. This is because the offering institution do not need to rent or own a bigger facility. Also a recorded lesson on a topic can be viewed by students of different sets. All the student need is internet and a laptop or any other compatible device.
Online schooling does not come without disadvantages like in everything.
The major demerits of online learning can be:
- Inability of the student to manage distractions
- Requires discipline and good time management skill
- Puts the responsibility of learning mainly on the student
- Lack of personal connection with teacher
- Hard to socialize with fellow students
Tuition-free online high school for local and international students
There are several online high schools out there for citizens of every country including United States and Canada. The trick is in finding the tuition free ones. Not all the adverts that says ‘FREE’ is really free.
This is where you will have to put in some efforts.
- Search for Tuition free online high school in where you live
- Apply through their official website
- Contact any of their team to confirm the virtual school is really free without any hidden cost.
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