More examples of oil products and non oil products

All QuestionsMore examples of oil products and non oil products
Zainab Adamu Musa asked 12 months ago

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1 Answers
User Avatar[email protected] answered 12 months ago

Oil Products:
1. Gasoline
2. Diesel
3. Jet fuel
4. Heating oil
5. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
6. Asphalt
7. Lubricants and greases
8. Petrochemicals (e.g., plastics, synthetic fibers, solvents)
9. Bitumen
10. Petroleum coke
Non-Oil Products:
1. Agricultural products (e.g., crops, livestock, dairy)
2. Textiles and apparel
3. Automobiles and automotive parts
4. Electronics and electrical equipment
5. Pharmaceuticals and healthcare products
6. Machinery and equipment
7. Chemicals (e.g., fertilizers, pesticides, paints)
8. Construction materials (e.g., cement, steel, glass)
9. Food and beverages
10. Tourism and hospitality services
It’s important to note that some products can have both oil and non-oil components. For example, plastics are derived from petrochemicals, which are oil products, but they are used to manufacture non-oil products such as plastic containers, toys, and packaging materials.

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