
Adjectives and Verbs

An adjective is described as a word that qualifies or modifies nouns and pronouns.

Adjective generally, give more information about nouns and pronouns – in items of the attributes such as quality, colour, quantity etc. Such words come nearer to the nouns they modify than all other elements that modify such nouns.


There are two uses of every adjective, namely: (i) Attributive use (ii) Predicative use

  1. ATTRIBUTIVE USE: An adjective used with a noun is known as attributive use.

Examples:           beautiful girl

Cleaner student

Tall tree

Fair face

Lovely flower

  1. PREDICATIVE USE: An adjective used with a verb is known as predicative use.

Examples:           she is afraid

He is alive

They are dead

He looked happy


Adjectives are divided into ten types namely:

  1. Adjective of quality
  2. Adjective of quantity
  • Adjective of number
  1. Demonstrative adjective
  2. Distributive adjective
  3. Interrogative adjective
  • Possessive adjective
  • Emphasizing adjective
  1. Exclamation adjective
  2. Proper adjective
  1. ADJECTIVE OF QUALITY: Is the adjective that is used to talk about the quality of a person or a thing.

Example: Wealthy, regional, industrial, fundamental, elementary, primary

E.g:         The Yoruba is a regional language

He is a wealthy person

Kafanchan is an industrial city

  1. ADJECTIVE OF QUANTITY: An adjective used to talk about the quantity of things.

Exmaples: little, much, enough, no, any, whole, some, all, great, half, sufficient

E.g.                         There is a little milk in the jug

My father earned enough money

He showed much courage in the war

  1. ADJECTIVE OF NUMBERS: An adjective used to talk about the number of things or persons is known as adjective of number.

Examples: fine, few, no, many, all, some, most, several, first, any, one.

E.g:         She wrote six papers for her B.A

Only a few people are kind to the poor

I got first class in my B.A

All students passed in the exam.

  1. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVE: An adjective used to point out which person or thing we speak about is known as demonstrative adjective.

Example: this, that, these, those

E.g:                         This book is very interesting

That girl is very beautiful

Those flowers are lovely

  1. DISTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVE: Is an adjective used to refer to each and every person or thing separately

Example: each, every, either, neither, any, none, both

E.g.         Each boy was awarded a diploma

Every Nigerian is entitled to adult franchise

Every citizen should love his motherland

Neither party has got majority in the recent elections

Neither country accepted the treaty

  1. INTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVE: An adjective used to question is known as interrogative adjective .

Example: what, which whose

E.g:                         What advice shall I give you?

What language do you teach at college?

Which place do you wish to visit?

Which poet do you like most?

Whose photograph is this?

Whose hand writing is this?

On whose recommendation did you apply for this post?

  1. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE: is an adjective used to talk about ownership or possession.

Example: my, your, our, his, her, its, their

E.g:                         Your father is a doctor

My mother is a teacher

Our country is Nigeria

His wealth was lost

Her husband died in an accident

All their daughters were married last year.


An adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb and adjective or another adverb

Examples:            She writes quickly

Bukola is very smart

He explained the poem fairly well


Adverbs are divided into eight kinds on the basis of their use

  1. Adverb of manner
  2. Adverb of place
  • Adverb of time
  1. Adverb of frequency
  2. Adverb of certainty
  3. Adverb of degree
  • Interrogative adverb
  • Relative adverb
  1. ADVERB OF MANNER: An adverb used to show how an action is done is known as an adverb of manner. Example: quickly, bravely, happily, hard, fast, well clearly, soundly, probably, possible, evidently, unfortunately, luckily, sadly

E.g:                         They lived happily

Bukola walks gracefully

She speaks fluently

  1. ADVERB OF PLACE: Is an adverb that is used to show where an action is done.

Example: here, there, up, down, near, below, above, away, out, in, everywhere, backward, within, by.

E.g.                         I went there

She stood near the gate

Please come here

  1. ADVERB OF TIME: An adverb used to show when an action is done is known as adverb of time.

Example: now, then, today, tomorrow, early, soon, still, yet, before, late, ago, lately, daily, already, never, since, formarly.

E.g.         My father is not at home now

She will come here soon

She came late yesterday

  1. ADVERB OF FREQUENCY: An adverb used to show how often an action is done is known as adverb of frequency.

Example: once, twice, often, never, always, occasionally, again, frequently, seldom, sometimes

E.g                          They talked to each other again

We visited Jos twice

They never go to films

  1. ADVERB OF CERTAINTY: An adverb used to show definiteness of the action is known as an adverb of certainty

Example: surely, certainly, definitely, obviously

E.g.                         surely, she loves me

I shall certainly help you

Janet is obviously very cleaner

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