

COMPREHENSION: reading a passage in New oxford secondary English SS2 page 62 unit 9.

Class work: answer the comprehension question in unit 9

Structure: Complex sentences: analysis of complex sentences

The complex sentence is a combination of the main clause and one or more subordinate  caluse(s)

Ex: I prayed before I left

She came as soon as she heard

The analysis of a complex sentence

  • Find out the principal clause
  • Find out the subordinate clause
  • Identify each sub – clause as noun clause, adjective clause and adverb clause
  • Explain how each sub-clause is related to the principal clause
  • And finally analyse both the principle and sub-clause as you analyse a simple sentence


Bukola told me that she would marry me

  1. Bukola told me – main clause
  2. That she would marry me – noun clause, object of the verb “told”

When I received my salary I went to Lagos where the zoo was situated.

  1. I went to Lagos – main clause
  2. When I received my salary – adverb clause of time modifying the verb “went”.
  3. Where the zoo was situated – adjectival clause, qualify the noun ‘Lagos’

I believed that she had married the person whom she had loved

  1. I believed – main clause
  2. That she had married the person – noun clause object of the verb “believed”
  3. Whom she had loved – adjectival clause qualify the noun ‘person’


SUBJECT               PREDICAT

Bukola told mePrincipal clauseThatBukolaToldMe
That she would marry meNoun clause object of the verb “told”ThatSheWould marryMe
I went to LagosPrincipal clauseIWentTo Lagos
When I received my salaryAdverbial clause of time modifying the verb “went”WhenIReceivedMy salary
Where the zoo was situatedAdjectival clause of time modifying the verb wentWhereThe zooWas situated
I believedPrincipal clauseIBelieved
That she had married the personNoun clause object of the verb “believed”ThatSheHad marriedThe person
Whom she lovedAdjective clause qualifying the noun “person”WhomSheHad loved


Syllable is a unit of sound composed if a central peak of sonority (usually a vowel) and the consonants that cluster around this central peak.

A syllable is also that part of a word, which is said with one breath or pulse. It is the smallest unit of speech, which can be pronounced at once. It usually contains one vowel and some consonants e.g. in ‘baby’ there are two syllables, each containing a consonant and a vowel /beil/ and /bi/.

Words and syllables

Words may be classified in the bars of the number of syllables they have. It could be one syllable, two or more than two syllables. There are three (3) categories of syllables namely.

Monosyllable Words: words that are made up of one syllable. Every monosyllable word which makes makes its counterpart, i.e. structural words to be stressed is when they appear in isolation e.g.

Prepositions – on, in, of, etc

Conjunctions – and, but, etc

Pronouns – she, he, you etc

Other monosyllabic words – man, go, book etc

Disyllabic words: words which are made up of two syllables. One of the two syllables gets stressed which the second has its quality reduced.

Disyllabic words can receive the stress placement on the first or second syllable depending or the state and class of the word. Nouns usually receive their stress placement in the first syllable while verbs receive them on second syllable.


Word                                                     Noun                                     Verb

Export                                                   EXport                                  export

Desert                                                  DEsert                                   deSERT

Convict                                                 CONvict                                conVICT

Refuse                                                  REfuse                                  reFUSE

Also, adjectives are stressed on the first while verbs are stressed on the second syllable. E.g.

Word                                                     Adjective                             Verb

Frequent                                             FREquent                             freQUENT

Absent                                                    ABsent                                abSENT

Polysyllabic Words: words with more than two syllables. Importantly the stress placement changes as the word class of the word changes e.g. examination, impossible, generation etc.

Activity: Write out five words each for the following types of syllable

  1. Monosyllabic words
  2. Disyllabic words
  • Polysyllable words



When one intends to put ideas, information findings or opinions down in paper for the purpose of storage for postenfy, utmost care and castion need to be taken by the writer to ensure that the intention is perfectly communicated and the readership duty considered.

Stages in the creative writing process

  1. Deciding on a theme and genre: taking a decision on what to write about and the genre to adopt for your writing is an important exercise towards a fulfilling writing process or career.
  2. Language Usage: Writing involves using the words of a language. A writer must therefore be versatile in the language he choosed to write in. perhaps the fact needs to be stressed that the quality of any writing is largely assessed in the basis of language. Therefore, a writer should be at home with the rules of punctuation, spelling and grammar of the language for correct usuage. A writer should also be conversant with the connotative use of words in the language apart from the normal meaning.
  3. Research: another prewriting activity which is common to all writing is the choice of a subject. Some experts are of the view that a writer should write only things he knows while others one of the view that he should write also in those things he does not know by researching into them.

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