English JSSCE Notes

Active and Passive Voice

Content: Definition and Examples A sentence is in the active voice when the subject of the doer of the action […]

English JSSCE Notes

Vowel Contrast /iә/ and /eә/

Content:          /iә/                                           /eә/                         sheer                                        share/seer                         cheer                                        chair                         fear                                          fare                         beer                                         bear/bare                         tier                                           tear […]

English JSSCE Notes

Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay attempts to describe objects, people, events, ideas, or situation as they are. Examples include My School, My […]

English JSSCE Notes

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Content: Meaning and Usage of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Verbs as action and stative words can be used transitively or […]

English JSSCE Notes

Review of Consonant Sounds

Content: Consonant Sounds Examples Symbols                      Examples of words in which they occur /p/                                pet, price, puppy, lip, copper /b/                                bet, […]

English JSSCE Notes

Figures of speech

Content: Personification, Hyperbole, Paradox, Irony, Alliteration. Figures of speech refer to expressions used in a special way for a concise […]

English JSSCE Notes

Comprehension: Why the Hippo Lives in Water Part 1

Content: Why the Hippo Lives in Water Part 1 This passage discusses the reason why Isantim (hippopotamus) lives in water. […]

English JSSCE Notes

Revision of Some Parts of Speech

Content: Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives. As the body of a person has different works or functions, so a sentence is […]

English JSSCE Notes

Speech work: Revision of Vowel Sounds

Content: Vowel Sounds. There are forty-four sound segments in English comprising twenty vowels and twenty- four consonants. The production of […]

English JSSCE Notes

JSS2 1st Term English Language scheme of work and Lesson notes

FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                                                 CLASS: J S 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK                        TOPICS                      Speech work:  Revision of […]