Incoming mail contains new orders, enquiries, cheques, reports, complaints and any other letter from other business organisation received either by […]
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The documents kept by a receptionist include:- 1. Visitors book 2. Telephone message pad or form 3. Business card 4. […]
Right Attitude To Work
Work is any activity people engage themselves (Physical or Mental effort) in order earn a living e.g. teaching, barbing, engineering […]
The reception office and receptionist is the first contact office which is well furnished can decorated to create good and […]
Body Image
Meaning of Body Image. Body image refers to the way a person feels about his or her physical appearance. People […]
HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 2 PUBERTY Puberty is the transitional biological stage between childhood and adulthood. It is the stage […]
The developmental changes could be permanent or temporary. Permanent changes are irreversible. Examples are the changes that occur during body […]
Growth is the progressive increase in the size of a child or parts of a child. Development is progressive acquisition […]
Man As An Intelligent Animal
The human brain possesses qualities that have no parallel in the animal world. One consequence is man’s explicit mental capabilities. […]