Belt and chain drives
Belts are made of rubber and materials whose length and nature change with temperature. Examples of belts are motor fan belts, grinding machine belts, sewing machines. etc.

Chain and Belt drives
Chains are made of metals. Common examples are bicycle and motorcycle chains.
Friction is greatly needed in belt and chain drives. Belts and chains cannot work when friction is absent. Belts and chains are used in pulley mechanisms.
Belt and chain drives are used to:
- Transmit energy from one shaft to another when both shafts are separated by a distance greater than that require for gears.
- Change the speed of a pulley.
- Change the running direction of a pulley.
- Carry materials as conveyors from one point to another.
- Open belt

- What is the main difference between belts and chains?
- What are four uses of belt and chain drives?
- What are the names of four types of belt and pulleys?