Commerce Notes

The Cheque system

CONTENTS                 1.            Parties to a cheque                 2.            Advantages of payment by cheque                 3.            Types of cheques                 […]

Commerce Notes

Commercial Banks

CONTENTS                 1.            Definition and features of commercial banks                 2.            Functions of Commercial banks                 3.            Types of bank […]


Central Bank

CONTENTS                 1.            Features/characteristics of the Central Bank                 2.            Functions of the Central Bank                 3.            Monetary Policy                 […]

Commerce Notes

Money and Trade by barter

CONTENTS:                 1.            Definition of trade by barter.                 2.            Problems of trade by barter.                 3.            Characteristics/Qualities of Money. […]

Commerce Notes

Partnership in Business

PARTNERSHIP A partnership is defined as the relationship that exists between two or more (but more than twenty) persons carrying […]

Commerce Notes

Types (forms) of business units

FORMS OF BUSINESS UNITS Business units can be divided into two broad classes namely, the private sector or private enterprise […]


SS1 3rd Term Commerce scheme of work

SUBJECT:  COMMERCE                                                                                     CLASS:  SS1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEKS          TOPICS 1                      Business Organizations – Sole Proprietorship 2          […]

Commerce Notes

Water Transportation

CONTENT Types of water transportation Terminologies connected with water transportation TYPES OF WATER TRANSPORTATION Inland Water Transport: This type of […]

Commerce Notes

Transportation: Road, Rail, Air, Pipeline, Containerization and Water

CONTENT Advantages  and disadvantages of : 1.   Road Transportation                           4.  Transportation by pipelines 2.   Rail transportation                              5.         Containerization 3.   Air […]

Commerce Notes

Transportation: Importance, Commercial requirements, methods and factors influencing choice

CONTENT Definition Importance of transportation   to commerce Commercial requirements of a  good transport system Factors influencing the choice of type […]