By the direction of the Holy Spirit, Paul and Barnabas were sent to preach to the Gentiles at Paphos, the capital of Cyprus. And while at Paphos, they met a Jewish sorcerer [magician] called Bar-jesus also known as Elymas. The sorcerer attached himself to the governor, a very intelligent man calld Sergius Paulus. Meanwhile, Sergius Paulus had invited Paul and Barnabas to come and preach to him. And while preached to the governor, the magician tried to discourage the governor from listening to the sermon. And so Paul sternly looked at the sorcerer and said “You son of the devil full of every sort of deceit and fraud and enemy of good! Watch now, the Lord has laid his hand of punishment upon you, and you will be struck blind. You’ll not see the sun for sometime. Immediately the sorcerer became blind, he started begging for someone to hold his hands let him walk. The governor saw this and was marveled, this made him believe instantly the message of Jesus Christ Paul and Barnabas had brought to him.
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