A number is divisible by:
DIVISIBILITY test is a rule for determining whether one whole number is divisible by another.
Determine whether 7168 is divisible by2, 3, 4,5,6,8,9,10 and 11
7168 Is not divisible by 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11. But 2 because the last digit is even, 4 since the last twodigits is divisible by 4. 8 since the last three digit is divisible by 8.
Which number is divisible by 35120?
35120 is divisible by 2,4,5,8and 10.
2 can divide it since it end with zero, divisible by 4, since the last two digit 20 is divisible by 4, 5 since it end with zero, 8 since the last digit 120 is divisible by 8. 10 since the last digit is zero.
Determine whether 24739 is divisible by 11?
24739→sum of digit in odd position 2+7+9=18, sum of digit in even position 4+3=7. Thedifference18-7=11. Then 11 is divisible by 11 and a multiple of 11.
Identify the following numbers that can be divisible by 2,4 ,5 , 6,8, 9.
a.3591 b. 2408 c. 7700 d. 18054 e.2032 f. 1827 g.23624 h. 468
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