Computer Studies Notes

Definition Of Computer Processing


Computer processing is an action or series of actions that a microprocessor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), in a computer performs when it receives information. The CPU is a type of electronic “brain” for a computer system, and it executes a series of instructions that are fed to it by software programs installed onto a computer’s hard drive and loaded into random access memory (RAM). Though modern computer systems have become much faster and more complex than their earlier counterparts, they still perform the same basic type of computer processing.

There are four distinct states that processing goes through in order to produce meaningful output for any program. These states are commonly referred to as (fetch, decode, execute and write back).

A computer has four main components: the central processing unit or CPU, the primary memory, input units and output units. A system bus connects all the four components, passing and relaying information among them. 

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 Computer scientists typically call the CPU the “brain” of the computer because this is where programs are executed. The CPU is further broken up into three smaller components: the arithmetic unit handles all the simple mathematical computations; the control units interpret the instructions in a computer program; and the instruction decoding unit converts computer programming instructions into machine code.

  • Memory

Once the CPU converts a specific set of computer program instructions into machine code, it stores that machine code in primary storage or memory. The machine code will be treated as either data or instructions. The CPU fetches data and instructions from memory, uses an instruction to manipulate the data, and then sends the result and the next set of instructions back to memory.

  • Input Units

Input units are all the devices you use to feed data to the computer, such as a keyboard, a hard drive or a networking card. These devices, in essence, bring data from the “outside world” into your computer, in much the same way that your eyes and ears bring information to your brain. Each input device has its own hardware controller that connects to the CPU and primary memory, and it has a set of instructions that tells the CPU how to use it.

  • Output Units

Output units are the devices your computer uses to relay information to the user, such as a printer, monitors and speakers. For example, everything you see on your computer monitor starts as machine code in memory. The CPU takes that machine code and converts it into a format required by your monitor’s hardware. Your monitor’s hardware then converts that information into different light intensities so that you see words or pictures.


  1. Define computer processing.
  2. State four main components of computer.

Uses of Computer in communication

  1. Computer gadgets such as mobile phones, palmtops can be used in communicating
  2. The use of Video and Tele-conferencing in having meeting(s) with various members of staff or board of directors in different locations, with the ability to view themselves.
  3. Used in sending and receiving mails through the internet.
  4. Used in multi- media communications.

Uses of Computer in Timing and Control

  1. Traffic Control
  2. Weather Control
  3. Machine Control
  4. Airplane Control

Uses of computer in information Processing and Management

  • Marketing: individuals and companies also use the system to source for e-shopping, 0n-line payment and delivery of ordered goods.
  • Generation of payroll: Computers can be used to prepare and process payroll through Microsoft Excel.
  • Accounting and Banking: Computers are used to keep proper and effective records of both goods and customer’s money.

Uses of computer in the society

  • Health Care: Hospitals are comprehensively computerized in order to facilitate patient care at competitive cost.
  • Airlines: Airline reservation agent communicates with a centralized computer via a remote terminal to update the database the moment a seat on any flight is filled or becomes available.
  • Law: Lawyers use keywords to search through massive full text database containing more cases than in any law office’s library.


  1. Define computer processing.
  2. State four main components of computer.
  3. State five uses of computer in the society.


Computer studies for junior secondary education JSS 1 By Hiit Plc. pages 65 – 67


  1. The ……….. executes a series of instructions that are fed to it by software programs installed onto a computer’s hard drive and loaded into random access memory (RAM). (a) core        (b) CPU        (c) ROM      (d) control unit
  2. ……….. stores program instruction in the computer system. (a) memory    (b) CPU     (c) ALU (d) control unit.
  3. ……….. are the devices your computer uses to relay information to the user. (a) input unit (b) output unit       (c) memory       (d) primary.
  4. ………. are all the devices you use to feed information to the computer. (a) input unit       (b) output       (c) memory     (d) CPU
  5. ……….. are comprehensively computerized in order to facilitate patient care at competitive cost. (a) Hospitals   (b) airline reservation (c) banking (d) payroll


  1. Define computer processing.
  2. State four main components of computer.
  3. Mention four areas of the society where computer is used.
  4. List four areas where computer is used in timing and control.

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