An angle is formed when two straight lines meet at a set point. In other words, an angle is the inclination to each other of two straight lines, which meet at point as shown.

Types of Angles
The unit of measurement of angles is the degree, and the instrument used to measure the value or magnitude of an angle is called a protactor.
A right angle is an angle measuring 90°. Two lines or line segments that meet at a right angle are said to be perpendicular.
An acute angle is an angle measuring between 0 and 90°.
An obtuse angle is an angle measuring between 90° and 180°.
A straight angle is a straight line and it measures 180°.
A reflex angle is an angle measuring between 180° and 360°.
Complementary angles definition is either of two angles that added together produce an angle of 90°.
Supplementary angle is when the sum of two angles located side by side is equal to 180°.

- What is an angle?
- List 5 types of angles.
- What is an angle measuring between 180° and 360°
- What is the unit of measurement of an angle?
- What is the instrument used for measuring angles?
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