Basic Technology Notes

Identification Of Metals


  • Definition and Properties of Metal
  • Classes of Metal
  • Processing of Metal
  • Uses of Metal


METAL is a type of solid mineral substance that is usually hard and shiny. It conducts heat and electricity can travel through it.

Metals have characteristics which are different from those of the non-metals such as wood, plastics ceramics, rubber etc


Metals can be identified by the following physical properties:

  1. Conductivity: Some metals have the ability to conduct heat and electricity.
  2. Fusibility: Some metals have the ability to be melted and cast into shapes.
  3. Magnetic:  Some metals have the ability to attract iron.
  4. Ductility:  Some metals have the ability to be drawn or stretched out into wires without breaking.
  5. Brittleness: Some metals have the ability to break  or crack , when hit on the ground
  6. Malleability: Some metals have the ability to be hammered or beaten into shape without cracking.
  7. Toughness: Some metals have the ability to withstand (resist) bending, breaking, cracking or stretching.
  8. Density: Some metals have weight and volume.
  9. Colour (lustre): Some metals have the ability of having a shining appearance when polished.


The metals used in engineering can be classified into categories

  1. Ferrous metals and their alloys
  2. Non-ferrous metals and their alloys


This group of metals contains iron. The metals are, therefore, magnetic. Examples include wrought iron, cast iron and various grades of steel.


This group of metals have no iron . These metals are therefore not magnetic.  Examples are aluminum, copper, brass etc.


  1. State five properties of metal.
    1. Differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous metal.


Most metals do not occur in a pure state. They are usually combined with other metals and earthly impurities to form what is called mineral ore. The ore is then mined and processed to extract the metal of interest. The extraction process differs from metal to metal.

  1. Casting:

Casting is the process of melting and pouring molten metal into  the  mould to take the shape of the mould when it cools down or solidifies.

  • Smelting:

Smelting is the process of extracting metals from iron-ore dug from the ground .

  • Annealing:

Annealing is the process by which metals can be softened.


Alloy metalcompositionProperties
Brass65%copper and  35%zincSoft material
Gilding metal80% copper and     20 % zincPolishes well and no corrosion
Bell metal78% copper and   22% zincLouder in sound than other metals
Ferrous metalsUses
Cast ironCast iron in the manufacturing  of machine parts , pipes, radiators, stoves, engine blocks
Carbon steelCarbon steels are used  in the manufacturing of the automobile bodies gears, hacksaws ,hammers ,drill, knives
Alloy steelsAlloy steels are used in the manufacturing of cables, steels, rail, wires , springs , shoves, ball-bearing, chisels  etc.
Wrought IronThe wrought iron is used in the manufacturing of nails ,horse shoes, pipe ,wires, roofing sheets
Non-ferrous metalUses
AluminiumAluminium is used  for manufacturing aircraft, cooking pots for its lightness.
CopperCopper is used for making  telephone wires, water heater, pipes ,electric cables.
ZincZinc  is used for the coating of iron and steel as a protection against rusting .It is used for wire-fence ,water tank reservoir  ,bucket. 
BrassBrass is for making musical instrument screws clocks.
SilverSilver is for ornament work ,mirror .
NickelNickel is used  for plating iron and materials to give a shining slivering appearance . It is also used for making cooking pots and sauce pan.
LeadLead is used for making lead pipes , storage batteries , chemicals and cover electric cables.
TinTin is used for making engine bearing, ball-bearing  medals, coins , statues and collapsible tubes.


  1. Explain the following methods of processing of metal  (i) annealing  (ii) smelting  (iii) casting.
  2. State the uses of the following metals (i) alloy metals (ii) ferrous metals (iii) non-ferrous metals.


Read on Identification of Ceramics, Plastics and Rubber from Introductory Technology (JSS1) by Evans.  Pages 32-35


  1. _____ is a type of solid mineral substance that is usually hard and shiny and that heat and electricity can travel through (a) Plastic (b) Rubber (c) Metal  (d) Ceramics
  2. Some metals have the ability to be hammered or beaten into shape without cracking .This quality is known as (a) malleability (b) ductility (c) toughness (d) fusibility
  3. The group of metals that contains iron is known as (a) ferrous metals (b) non-ferrous metals (c) alloys. (d) terrazzo
  4. The group of metals that has no iron is not magnetic.  Examples are as follow except

(a)  aluminium (b) copper (c)  steel (d) brass

  • ______ is the process by the which metals can be softened.(a) Casting (b) Smelting (c) Annealing (d) Riveting


  1. Define and state the properties of metals.
  2. State the classes of metals with examples.
  3. Explain the following methods of processing of metals  (i) annealing  (ii) smelting  (iii) casting.
  4. State the uses of the following metals (i) alloy metals (ii) ferrous metals (iii) non-ferrous metals

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