Food and Nutrition Notes

Labour Saving Devices in the kitchen

Labour saving devices are pieces of equipment that reduces the physical task involved in carrying out some cooking processes. These include:

MIXERTo mix cakes and pastryWipe base with wet napkins, wash mixing bowl attachment with warm soapy water, dry and store in a dry place.
YAM POUNDERTo pound yamWipe base with wet napkin, separate accessories, wash with soapy water, rinse and dry.
PRESSURE COOKERFor though cut of meat, it is fast and save fuelFollow instructions for uses, wash with warm soapy water, rinse and dry before storing.
Meat mincerBasically for grinding meat, but could be used for nuts and vegetablesSeparate the blade, wash with warm soapy water, rinse and dry, wrap blades in greasy paper and store in a dry place.
BLENDERFor pureeing and grinding ingredientWipe base with wet napkin, wash cup without allowing water to touch the bottom, store in a dry place.
ORANGE SQUEEZERFor squeezing juice of fruit e.g. oranges, grape, lemon e.t.cWash in warm soapy water, rinse and dry before storing
MICROWAVE OVENFor warming food, the one with grill bakes cake and grills fish and meat.Use clean cloth and dry splits, clean the outside. Use wet napkin to clean inside and outside.



  1. The money at hand
  2. The family size
  3. The size of the kitchen
  4. Durability, efficiency, reliability and ease of cleaning of the equipment
  5. The nature of food to be cooked
  6. If a lid is required, the one chosen must have a well-fitting lid
  7. Handles should be strong to bear the weight of the container if lifted
  8. The convenience of the user.


  1. What is dove tailing?
  2. Outline factors that should be considered when choosing labour saving devices.

Assignment:Differentiate between labour saving devices and mechanical equipment with 5 examples each.

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