
Logarithm of numbers (Index & Logarithmic Form)

The logarithm to base a of a number P, is the index x to which must be raised to be equal to P.

Thus if P = ax, then x is the logarithm to the base aof P. We write this as x = log a P. The relationship logaP = x and ax=P are equivalent to each other.

ax=P is called the index form and logaP = x is called the logarithm form

Easy way to learn Logarithm Basics Click interactive slideshow from Bangladesh University of Professionals

Conversion From Index to Logarithmic Form

Write each of the following index form in their logarithmic form

  1. a) 26 = 64 b)            251/2 = 5                               c)  44= 1/256


  1. a) 26 = 64

Log2 64 = 6

  1. b) 251/2 = 5


  1. c) 4-4= 1/256

Log41/256 = -4

Conversion From Logarithmic to Index form.

  1. a) Log2128 = 7 b)            log10 (0.01) = -2
  2. c) Log5 2.25 = 2


  1. a) Log2128 = 7

27 = 128

  1. b) Log10(0.01) = -2

10-2= 0.01

  1. c) 5 2.25 = 2

1.52 = 2.25

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