Commerce Notes

Port Administration, Facilities & Agencies


  1. Facilities provided by a good sea port
  2. Facilities provided by an airport
  3. Functions of the Nigerian Ports Authority
  4. Problems confronting Ports Authorities


  1. Transportation by pipeline is the method of transporting liquids and gases through pipes laid underground or on surface of the land
  2. A common carrier is a person or form who undertakes as a regular business to transport goods from one place to another for anyone willing to pay the freight charges in west Africa/ Nigeria
  3. Function of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria


  1. Facilities provided by a good sea Port
  2. Dredging 2. Lighting 3. Buoying 4. Transit sheds 5. Warehouses 6. Berth 7. Boats 8. Cranes 9. Office facilities 10. Conveyor belts 11. Forklifts 12. Quays 13. Wharf 14. Pipelines 15. Roads 16. Railway lines 17. Re – fuelling facilities 18. Hospitals/First Aid clinics 19. Emergency Disaster control 20.Mechanized berths 

B.  Facilities provided by an airport

(1) Runways (2) Control Tower (3) Hangars (4) Parking spaces (5) Arrival/departure longues/halls

(6) Warehouses (7) Re – fuelling facilities (8) Hospitals/first and clinics (9) Office facilities

C. Functions of the Nigerian Ports Authority

  1. Provision of facilities, such as dredging, lighting, buoying, transit sheds as well as storage and warehousing accommodation.
  2. Cargo handling
  3. Collection of revenue at the ports
  4. Provision of security services
  5. Provision of sanitation services
  6. Dredging of the channel of the ports
  7. Provision of office accommodation for the customs, immigration, law enforcement agencies
  8. Maintenance of all facilities in all seaports in the country


  1. Congestion of ports thereby delaying berthing of ships and discharging of cargoes
  2. Smuggling – this reduces the revenue that would have accrued to the Authority
  3. Corruption among its officials
  4. Inadequate warehousing facilities
  5. Shortage of qualified personnel for the handling of goods, facilities etc
  6. Prevalence of obsolete (out dated) equipment
  7. Pilfering is rampant- due to dishonesty on the part of some of the ports personnel and activities of ‘port rats’
  8. Careless handling of goods resulting in damages
  9. Delays in clearing of goods by importers
  10. Political interference/government bureaucracy etc
  11. Unstable government policies e.g. on destination inspection
  12. High cost of demurrage being paid by importers due to ports management inefficiency


  1. Explain the function of the N.P.A
  2. What problems are encountered by the N.P.A. in course of performing these function


  1. Provision of facilities like landing, fuelling facilities in all airports in Nigeria
  2. Collection of airport changes and taxes
  3. Maintenance of all facilities in all airports in the country
  4. Operation of the control tower
  5. Environmental sanitation of the airports
  6. Provision of security services at the airports
  7. Provision of warehouses, office accommodation parking spaces etc
  8. Promotion of tourism


1.         List four facilities provided by a good seaport.

2.         Explain five functions of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria.


  1.  State five functions performed by a wholesaler in the channel of distribution
  2.  Explain five factors that encourage the elimination of middlemen from the channel of distribution
  3.  Give five reasons why retail shops adopt self service
  4.  Explain six facilities that a retail shop should have to encourage self service
  5.  Explain five measures taken by a country to restrict imports


  1. The institution responsible for the maintenance of facilities in the wharf is A. customs department B. Ministry of Trade C. Ministry of Transport D. Nigerian Ports Authority
  2. A contract of carriage is same as A. ships manifest B. advice note C. charter party D. delivery note
  3. Which of the following means of transport is most flexible A. air B. rail C. sea D. road
  4. Which of the following is used for moving only goods from one seaport to another A. ferry B. ocean liners C. cargo liners D. coastal liners
  5. Charges paid by a ship for staying at a port beyond tune is called A. freight B. dead Freight C. Demurrage D. Dispatch Money


  1. List four facilities provided by an Airport

Mention two problems encountered by the Nigerian Railway Corporation in course of performing its functions.

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