Proof reader’s mark also called printers correction signs are marks used when amendments have to be made in typewritten or handwritten work of which fair copy is to be typed. These marks indicate problems in the text and suggest solutions. Correction marks come in two ways which is abbreviations and abstract symbols. Below are some correction signs

Proof Reading
This is a process whereby a good typist checks and carefully read the document typed to ensure its error free.
Proof reading stands for:
P – Practice your proof reading skills
R – Re-read if necessary
O – Only be satisfied with perfection
O – One error not corrected is too many
F – Find and correct all errors
R – Refer to the dictionary often
E – Erase neatly and completely
A – Always proof read
D – Divide words properly.
Manuscript – Longhand
Meaning of Manuscript
These are handwritten and disjointed materials which need to be typed in a readable and meaningful way. Type script is the original typewritten form of an authorize book.
Meaning of Abbreviations
This is a short form of a word for faster development of writing skills. Some words and their abbreviations are written below:
Longhand Abbreviations
Abbreviations | Words in full | |
A1 | first class | |
A/c | account | |
Amt | amount | |
& | and | |
@ | at | |
B/e | bill of exchange | |
B/l | bill of landing | |
Bs | balance sheet | |
Bn | been | |
Cf | compare | |
Co | company | |
Ch | chapter | |
Deft | defendant | |
Dept | department | |
$ | dollar | |
E&OE | errors and omission expected | |
E.g | for example | |
F | for | |
Fr | from | |
P | page | |
Pg | pages | |
Pd | paid | |
% | percent | |
Yr | your/year | |
Via | by way of | |
Vi2 | namely | |
At any time these signs are written in the margin, they are usually followed by the shilling stroke. The main reason for this is that there may be more than one correction per line and it is therefore necessary to have the drilling stroke after each, to act as a division.
Standard Abbreviations
Abbreviations | Word(s) in full | |
NITEL | Nigerian Telecommunications | |
NIPOST | Nigerian Postal Department | |
NAPEP | Nigerian Poverty Empowerment Programme | |
NIDB | Nigerian Industrial Development Programme | |
WAI | War Against Indiscipline | |
UNO | United Nations Organization | |
NLC | Nigerian Labour Congress | |
ASUU | Academic Staff Union of Universities | |
PTA | Parents Teachers Association | |
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