Consequences of undiscoverd talent or skill

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary SchoolConsequences of undiscoverd talent or skill
Psula asked 3 years ago

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 3 years ago

Consequences of Wasted Talents and Undeveloped Skills
If a person does not discover his or her talents or skills the person and the society may be affected in the following ways:

  1. The person may remain undeveloped and unfulfilled.
  2. The society may not make progress, when skills are not developed not much progress will come to such societies.
  3. The skill in the individual may die with the owner of such skills when it is not identified or nurtured.
  4. Some hidden knowledge may not be exposed and therefore people will live in ignorance.
  5. The revenue that could have come to the family of those talented people and the society may be lost.

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