Equality of surds

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary SchoolEquality of surds
Hayford asked 1 year ago


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1 Answers
User Avatar[email protected] answered 1 year ago

In mathematics, the concept of surds refers to irrational numbers that are expressed in the form of a square root (√) or higher roots (∛, ⁴√, etc.). When comparing or evaluating surds, we can establish equality by ensuring that the radicands (the expressions inside the square root or higher roots) are equal. 
To illustrate the equality of surds, consider the following example:
√2 and √8
To determine if these two surds are equal, we simplify them by finding the prime factorization of the radicands:
√2 = √(2)
√8 = √(2 * 2 * 2) = √(2^3) = 2√(2)
Now, we can see that √2 and 2√2 are not equal. However, by simplifying √8 further, we can rewrite it in a form that matches √2:
√8 = 2√2
Now, √2 and √8 are in the same simplified form, and we can conclude that they are equal.
In general, to determine the equality of surds, we need to simplify them by factoring the radicands into their prime factors. If the simplified forms of the surds are identical, they are considered equal.
It’s worth noting that surds can also be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided following specific rules and properties. Simplifying and manipulating surds using these rules can help determine their equality or perform other operations involving surds.

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