Explain the features of policy assimilation

All QuestionsExplain the features of policy assimilation
Obed Israel asked 1 year ago

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

Policy assimilation is a process through which new policies or policy ideas are integrated into existing policy frameworks or institutional settings. The following are some of the features of policy assimilation:

  1. Incremental change: Policy assimilation is characterized by incremental change rather than radical transformation. It involves adapting new policies or policy ideas to existing policy frameworks, rather than replacing them completely.
  2. Gradual process: The process of policy assimilation is gradual and can take a long time. It involves a process of learning, adaptation, and institutionalization.
  3. Reinterpretation of policies: Policy assimilation involves the reinterpretation of policies and policy ideas to fit into the existing institutional context. This can lead to changes in the meaning and interpretation of policies.
  4. Adaptation to local context: New policies or policy ideas are often adapted to the local context in which they are being implemented. This can involve changes to the policy content, policy processes, or institutional arrangements.
  5. Integration into existing institutions: Policy assimilation involves the integration of new policies or policy ideas into existing institutional structures and processes. This can involve changes to existing institutional arrangements, or the creation of new ones to support the implementation of new policies.

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