Explain the reasons why leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers. A)selfishness. B)party interest. C)election malpractices. D)peer pressure. E)jsocietal value

All QuestionsExplain the reasons why leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers. A)selfishness. B)party interest. C)election malpractices. D)peer pressure. E)jsocietal value
Ayobami asked 1 year ago

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

Leaders may fail to protect the interests of their followers due to various reasons, including:
A) Selfishness: Some leaders prioritize their personal interests, wealth accumulation, or power retention over the well-being of their followers. They may engage in corrupt practices, embezzlement, or favoritism, disregarding the needs and concerns of the people they are meant to serve.
B) Party Interest: In some cases, leaders prioritize the interests of their political party or ideological agenda over the interests of their followers. This can lead to policies or decisions that benefit party elites or specific groups within the party while neglecting the broader interests of the population.
C) Election Malpractices: Leaders who come into power through fraudulent means or election malpractices may lack the legitimacy and accountability necessary to protect the interests of their followers. They may feel less obligated to serve the people’s needs and more focused on maintaining their hold on power.
D) Peer Pressure: Leaders may succumb to peer pressure or influence from other powerful individuals or interest groups, leading them to prioritize those interests over the well-being of their followers. This can result in policies or decisions that benefit a few influential individuals or groups at the expense of the broader population.
E) Societal Values: The failure to protect the interests of followers can also be influenced by societal values and norms. If the prevailing societal values prioritize individualism, corruption, or the abuse of power, leaders may be more inclined to act in ways that are detrimental to the interests of their followers.
It’s important to note that these reasons are not exhaustive, and multiple factors can contribute to leaders failing to protect the interests of their followers. Additionally, there are leaders who genuinely strive to protect the interests of their followers, but face challenges such as limited resources, complex problems, or conflicting priorities.

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