Faraday law of electrolysis…15.131g of a non metal was deposited on the anode when a current of 1.3ampere was passed through it for 1 1/2 days.calculate the charge on the anion of the non metal (1f..96500,ram..26)

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary SchoolFaraday law of electrolysis…15.131g of a non metal was deposited on the anode when a current of 1.3ampere was passed through it for 1 1/2 days.calculate the charge on the anion of the non metal (1f..96500,ram..26)
Marvelous asked 3 years ago

Faraday law of electrolysis…15.131g of a non metal was deposited on the anode when a current of 1.3ampere was passed through it for 1 1/2 days. calculate the charge on the anion of the non metal (1f..96500,ram..26)

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2 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 3 years ago

Hint: Faraday Law says, m = Z ×Q or m = Z I t. When one coulomb corresponds to one electrochemical equivalent mass (Z) of the substance, one equivalent(or mole) of electrons flowing per second, will correspond to 96485 Equivalents mass. … electrolyte, one equivalent mass of the electrolyte is reacted, discharged/deposited etc.
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User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

To calculate the charge on the anion of the non-metal, we need to use Faraday’s law of electrolysis, which states that the amount of substance deposited at an electrode is directly proportional to the amount of charge passed through the cell.
First, let’s calculate the total charge that passed through the cell:
Current (I) = 1.3 A Time (t) = 1.5 days x 24 hours/day x 3600 seconds/hour = 129,600 seconds Charge (Q) = I x t = 1.3 A x 129,600 s = 168,480 C
Next, let’s calculate the amount of substance (in moles) deposited at the anode:
Mass (m) = 15.131 g Molar mass (M) = 26 g/mol (given) Moles (n) = m/M = 15.131 g / 26 g/mol = 0.5819 mol
Finally, we can use the charge and the number of moles to calculate the charge on the anion of the non-metal:
1 F = 96500 C/mol Charge (Q) = n x F x z, where z is the charge on the anion z = Q / (n x F) = 168,480 C / (0.5819 mol x 96500 C/mol) = 3.02
Therefore, the charge on the anion of the non-metal is 3.02.

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