I need examples of suffixes, their base and root words and new words formed in a tabular form

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary SchoolI need examples of suffixes, their base and root words and new words formed in a tabular form
Joshua asked 1 year ago

I need examples of suffixes, their base and root words and new words formed in a tabular form

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

Sure! Here are some examples of suffixes, along with their base or root words and the new words formed:
| Suffix | Base/Root Word | New Word |
| -er | teach | teacher |
| -able | comfort | comfortable |
| -less | care | careless |
| -ful | hope | hopeful |
| -ing | run | running |
| -est | tall | tallest |
| -ment | govern | government |
| -ize | modern | modernize |
| -tion | educate | education |
| -able | adapt | adaptable |
These examples demonstrate how suffixes can be added to base or root words to create new words with different meanings or grammatical functions.

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