Ko aroko Lori ise agbe daraju use oluko lo

All QuestionsKo aroko Lori ise agbe daraju use oluko lo
Bash asked 7 months ago

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Olatunji kafilat replied 1 month ago

Ko aroko Lori ise agbe Dara ju ise oluko lo

1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 7 months ago

you’ve provided a sentence in Yoruba, a language spoken in West Africa, particularly in Nigeria. The sentence translates to English as follows:
“Ko aroko Lori ise agbe daraju use oluko lo.”
Translation: “There is no secret in farming; the farmer knows best.”
This proverb suggests that in the field of agriculture, there are no hidden or mysterious techniques for success. Instead, the farmer, who is experienced and knowledgeable about farming, understands it best and is the key to success in agriculture. It emphasizes the importance of practical knowledge and experience in farming.

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